IMPORTANT: Look for your child’s Medicaid or CHIP renewal in the mail, complete it and mail it back immediately. They may be covered even if you’re not! Go to to find contact information for your state Medicaid office.

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Back-to-School Outreach and Enrollment: Tactics and Resources for Success Webinar

The back-to-school season is an especially important time of the year to remind families with eligible children that enrollment in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is year-round as parents equip their children with the essentials to head back to the classroom. This webinar focuses on ways to reinvigorate back-to-school outreach and enrollment efforts.

Outreach to Individuals with Low Literacy Skills Webinar

There are challenges in effectively communicating with people who are eligible but not yet enrolled for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and who may have literacy-related barriers to enrollment. This informational webinar highlights tips to conduct outreach and enrollment assistance to individuals with low literacy skills and draws from research and practical experience.

Intersecting Services: Reaching Families Through Public Benefits Outreach Programs Webinar

Low-income families often rely on trusted community organizations for help applying for valuable benefits like the Earned Income Tax Credit, nutrition assistance and home energy assistance. Partnering with such programs helps extend the reach of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) outreach and enrollment efforts.

Outreach and Enrollment Strategies in Latino Communities

The majority of uninsured Latino children, an estimated 1.7 million, are eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) but not enrolled. Closing this coverage gap requires culturally-competent outreach techniques to connect eligible families with health coverage. Experts from national and local organizations discussed health and coverage disparities as well as effective outreach and enrollment activities going on in Latino communities.

Using Dental Services and Benefits to Motivate Families to Enroll in Medicaid and CHIP Webinar

Starting good oral health habits and dental care at a young age is critical to a child's overall health. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an instrumental role in providing access to oral health benefits for enrolled children. This webinar, held during the 2015 National Children's Dental Health Month, focused on outreach tips and examples of enrollment activities through dental service events.

Helping Newly-Enrolled Families Understand and Use their Medicaid and CHIP Coverage Webinar

Millions of children and parents have health coverage, many for the first time, thanks to nationwide enrollment efforts. Educating these newly-enrolled families about their Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) benefits is critical to ensuring they get the care they need when they need it.

Making Medicaid and CHIP Part of a Safe and Healthy Summer Webinar

Educating families about how to stay safe and healthy all summer long–from safe play to healthy eating–offers opportunities to reach families with information about Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This webinar features organizations that work with kids and families through safety education programming as well as summer food assistance programs.

Back-to-School and School-Based Enrollment Strategies: Tried, True & New Ideas to Reach Families Webinar

Back-to-school season is a tried and true time to reach and enroll eligible children (and parents) in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). It's also important for outreach organizations to establish and nurture relationships with school staff to ensure enrollment efforts continue into the school year. Schools are trusted messengers when it comes to children's well-being, and integrating enrollment services into schools is key to getting children covered.